I'm Your Hope - Sami Yusuf [2011] 720p Video & Mp3
Produced by: Sami Yusuf
Lyrics: Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
Mixed and Mastered at Andante Studios
Video created by Tamer Shaaban
There's nothing you can't repair
With your souls, with your souls
Do not kill me, for I'm your youth
I'm your faith, I'm your youth
(With words and action, You are the hope)
(Grant them peace Oh Lord, grant them peace Oh Lord)
(Through knowledge and the might of the pen, Pain will be pushed aside)
(Don't forget me for I'm your conscience, Don't harm me I'm your youth)
Lyrics by Dr. Walid A. Fitaihi
Mp3 >> http://www.mediafire.com/?ne49ga2eikj4m8u
720p HD Video >> http://www.mediafire.com/?0gctai0g0r90ntu
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